Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

1. Tema " The advantages and the Disadvantages of Having Facebook "

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,honorable juries,and respected audiences.
First of all,we should say Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin to the Almighty Allah SWT for the blessing the gives us here. So that , we can gather here to participate in this important program for youthful  especially for students of senior high school to improve our english knowledge or ability.And dont forget to send our loves to our prophet , Muhammad SAW , because he has brought us from the  dark world to the knowledge world as we feel now.
Dear audiences,in this speech contest i want to tell about facebook. And allow me to deliver my speech has a tittle of ” The Advantages and the Disadvantages of Having Facebook. ”  Please pay your attention.
Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook,Incorporated.Individuals who have an facebook account are now using more of their time to  socialize with other people  amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well.
Dear audiences,as i said before, the are many advantages of having and using facebook.First, facebook is a social interaction software. When it comes with communication like  facebook hits the number one spot. It can allow the users to track down long lost friends, acquaintances and relatives that they haven’t seen for years. Users are able to meet new groups and are  able to interact with their likes and dislikes. Through the systems’s organization of profiles, it allows its users access to other personal interests that a contact can use. This can also be a perfect  gateway for love to bloom in a dating process.
Second,facebook is useful for students connection . Since facebook  is popular  with the younger masses due to similiar interets and habits, it is also opens a door for connecting students organizations and ideas. Organization can post on walls updates regarding upcoming events and gatherings. And even though there is an increase in one accessibility of online communities like facebook, there are are supported who still insist that the service offer more alternatives in terms of communication modes therefore allowing announcements on different capabilities and function which will remain dominant.
Third,facebook is useful in economy matters. Facebook’s influence is continuously succeeding other online communities thus makes it a more amiable site to let the economy flourish . Through the system, companies can advertise their products and in return for the space provided by the site, the advertisers pay a certain amount of money enabling the site to raise revenue . Most of the advertisements posted are aimed for the majority of facebook’s population which is mainly studebts of all kinds.
Dear andiences,Those are the some advantages of facebook. There are many disadvantages of using facebook too. Such as, weak eyesight,less time outdoors,less time physically spent with a person,and etc.First,Weak eyesight  . Staring at a computer screen can weaken your eyesight. Facebook can only be accessed through the Internet, and if you use it too much, then your eyesight will get worse. Facebook also provides many games and applications that require you to focus on the screen for a long time. Your eyesight can get worse if you use facebook for too long.
Second,Less time outdoors- If you get addicted to facebook, then you may miss out on all the fun that you can have outdoors. In summers, there is a lot to do outside in the sun. But, if you get addicted to facebook, then you will be sitting indoors and wasting a lot of your precious time on facebook. There is so much more to do outdoors, and you will miss out on it if you use facebook too much.
Third,Less time physically spent with a person- you might be talking to the person everyday on facebook, but you may reduce the time that you spend face to face. You may not want to talk on phone anymore, and this also has disadvantages. You will become anti-social and develop social anxiety disorder if you never talk to people face to face. This is a terrible disorder, which can also put into depression. This is one of biggest disadvantages of facebook. You will become anti-social and spend less time with people.
Dear audiences,antoher disadvantages of facebook is that it has too many useless applications. You may waste a lot of time rejecting invitations, and waste time. There is also the  feature of wall posting, which means others can see your conversation. This can be really embarrassing for people. This feature makes it impossible to hold private conversations. Even the  photos can be viewed by all your friends, and strangers can see them once they get on your friend’s list.
These are the disadvantages of using facebook for too long. But there are ways that you can use facebook, and get only the advantages. Use facebook for planning events, creating  more awareness about issues, and just chatting. Don’t use it for personal conversations that can be done face to face. You may run out of conversations when you actually meet with the person  in real life. This is why it is important to create a balance between facebook and your social life.
Ladies and gentlemen,honorable juries,and respected audiences. I think that’s all my short speech to you. I hope it’s useful for us. Please forgive if i made  mistakes. And finally i say , wassalam.

2. Tema"How to Face Globalization Era"
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are
able to attend this English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet
Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
I would also like to say many thanks to the juries and MC who have given me
opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

The topic of my speech is "How to Face Globalization Era".

As we all know, nowadays our world is in globalization era. We often hear it.
Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into
global or international phenomena. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. In other words, every country in this world can influence other countries.

Because of globalization, this world which consists of many countries is like "a global village". This term refers to the fact that people are considered to live in this planet without borders, without limitation. People are able to access any kinds of information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate, there is no barrier to interact with other people from all over the world.
Brothers and sisters...

Globalization has various aspects which affect the world, such as: in industry,
finance, economy, politics, technology, and socio-culture. If our country wants to
survive in this globalization era, we must be smart people. We should take all of the positive effects of globalization and we should not take the negative effects. For
example: we need to adopt and learn high technology from developed country in
order to develop our country. On the contrary, we must not imitate bad attitudes or
behaviors from other countries like free sex and drugs abuse.

Brothers and sisters...

It is a fact that there are many challenges in globalization era. It cannot be denied that globalization is related with competition and the ability to survive. The question is: what should we do in order to face the globalization era?
The first one is, build up and strengthen good characters based on the religion. If we are Moslem, the guide of our lives is Islam. Second, we must master technology in
order to develop our country. The last, always be ready to face any kinds of change
and competition by preparing and upgrading our skills.

Ladies and Gentlemen...
Brothers and Sisters...

That’s all my speech. Hopefully, it will be useful for all of us. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
3. Tema "Global Economy"
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Ladies and gentlemen, let me stand infront of all the audience to talk about global economy.
It is a widely accepted view that globalization would not only benefit all countries across the world but would also work towards the betterment of the economy as a whole. Globalization was not only loosed of boundaries of each countries but associated with many complex thing in a country including economic. A global economy is characterized as a world economy with an unified market for all goods produced across the world. It thus gives domestic producers an opportunity to expand and raise capacity according to global demands Likewise, it also provides an opportunity to domestic consumers to choose from a vast array of imported goods. A global economy aims to rationalise prices of all products globally. 
While a global economy or globalization has the distinct advantage of raising world productivity and incomes and bringing about an improvement in the standards of living for all people at a global level, it has the dangerous side effect of growth with inequality. This has been evidenced in the less developed economies of India, China and Brazil where the benefits of globalization have not percolated to the lowest levels. This has brought about a wide divide between the have-nots and the have-lots.
A Global Economy also leads to a shifting of jobs from the developed countries to the Third World Countries as wage rates are much lower here. This allows companies of the advanced nation to grow exponentially. For example, we might find computer chips produced in China be exported to USA for designing which may be subsequently used in Japanese computers supplied across the world. This process is called “outsourcing” and leads to exploitation of workers in Third World economies where income inequalities already exist.
The last, nonetheless, a global economy may be beneficial for the world at large. This may result in the economies of the world fighting issues such as global warming or maybe climate change.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Cara Melatih Otak Kanan

Cara Melatih Otak Kanan

Sudah tau kedahsyatan fungsi otak kanan? Ada beberapa cara latihan untuk mengasah dan mengaktifkan otak kanan. Fungsi otak kanan cukup baik untuk dipertajam melalui beberapa test dan latihan-latihan tertentu.

Fungsi Otak Kanan:
Berfungsi dalam perkembangan emotional quotient (EQ). Misalnya sosialisasi, komunikasi, interaksi dengan manusia lain serta pengendalian emosi. Pada otak kanan ini pula terletak kemampuan intuitif, kemampuan merasakan, memadukan, dan ekspresi tubuh, seperti menyanyi, menari, dan melukis.

Melatih Otak Kanan:
Nah, untuk melatih otak kanan anda, anda bisa melakukan beberapa teknik atau test berupa latihan-latihan pengaktifan otak kanan dibawah ini.

1. Eight game Pura-puralah menulis angka delapan tidur atau simbol ? di udara dengan tangan kiri dan kanan secara bersama-sama. Permainan sederhana ini bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan syaraf motorik kiri dan syaraf motorik kanan. Cobalah dan teruskanlah permainan ini setelah sarapan, selama dua menit setiap hari. 

2. Thumb game Acungkanlah jempol tangan kiri dan kelingking tangan kanan, sambil menyorongkan kedua belah tangan ke arah kanan. Sebaliknya, acungkanlah jempol tangan kanan dan kelingking tangan kiri, sambil menyorongkan kedua belah tangan ke arah kiri. Permainan sederhana ini bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan syaraf motorik kiri dan syaraf motorik kanan. Cobalah dan teruskanlah permainan ini bersama teman-teman setelah makan siang, selama dua menit setiap hari.

 3. Pattern game Gambarlah pola-pola tertentu di atas kertas kosong, dengan tangan kiri dan kanan secara bersama-sama, ke arah dalam, luar, atas, dan bawah. Selain bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan syaraf motorik kiri dan syaraf motorik kanan, permainan unik ini juga dapat menggali potensi visual. Cobalah permainan ini selama dua menit setiap hari, minimal 14 hari berturut-turut.

 4. Specific crawl Gerakkan tangan kanan serentak dengan kaki kiri. Kemudian balaslah, gerakkan tangan kiri serentak dengan kaki kanan. Idealnya, siku tangan menyentuh lutut. Iringi pula dengan lagu favorit. Selain bertujuan untuk menyeimbangkan syaraf motorik kiri dan syaraf motorik kanan, gerakan ini juga dapat membuat pikiran terbuka terhadap hal-hal yang baru. Cobalah gerakan ini secara 10 menit setiap hari, minimal 14 hari berturut-turut.

5. Specific posturing Bertumpulah di lantai dengan lutut kiri dan tangan kanan. Sementara itu, kaki kanan diluruskan ke belakang dan tangan kiri diluruskan ke depan. Posisi ini bertujuan untuk mengaktifkan syaraf-syaraf tertentu secara umum dan otak kanan secara khusus. Cobalah posisi ini selama 10 menit setiap hari, minimal 14 hari berturut-turut.

 6. Specific relaxing Tip ini khusus anak-anak. Pertahankan posisi relaksasi setengah tengkurap. Biasakan pula posisi ini ketika anak tidur. Semakin dini, semakin baik. Biasakan pula posisi ini ketika anak sakit, sambil dipeluk oleh orang tua. Dengan demikian, otak anak berada dalam frekuensi alpha dan anak akan merasa damai karenanya.

7. Rotated reading Balikkan sebuah tulisan (atas bawah), lalu bacalah tulisan tersebut dari kanan ke kiri. Cobalah dan teruskanlah kebiasaan baru ini selama 2 menit setiap hari.

8. Left-handed foreplay Tip yang boleh juga disebut Kamasutra ini khusus untuk lelaki yang telah menikah. Cumbulah pasangan Anda dengan menggunakan tangan kiri. (Bagi Anda yang belum menikah, jangan khawatir, Anda tetap bisa melakukannya. Caranya? Menikahlah dulu.)

9. Left-handed handling Peganglah gagang pintu dan bukalah pintu dengan tangan kiri. Cobalah dan teruskanlah kebiasaan baru ini setiap hari.

10. Left-handed brushing Gosoklah gigi dengan tangan kiri pada pagi hari. Untuk sore atau malam hari, tetaplah menggosok gigi dengan tangan kanan. Cobalah dan teruskanlah kebiasaan baru ini setiap hari.

11. Left-handed writing Tulislah nama panggilan Anda dengan tangan kiri di atas kertas kosong. Cobalah kebiasaan baru ini minimal 10 kali sehari, minimal selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Niscaya Anda akan menemukan keajaiban, di mana pada hari ke-3 Anda dapat menulisnya dengan sangat mudah.

12. Left-handed signing Buatlah tanda tangan Anda dengan tangan kiri di atas sehelai kertas kosong. Cobalah kebiasaan baru ini minimal 10 kali sehari, minimal selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Niscaya Anda akan menemukan keajaiban, di mana 2 dari 10 tanda tangan tersebut menyerupai bentuk aslinya.
 Nah, demikian beberapa hasil pencarian dari berbagai sumber sebagai contoh latihan otak kanan yang bisa anda lakukan dan coba untuk mempertajam naluri otak kanan anda.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2014


Paper adalah salah satu bentuk penulisan karya ilmiah yag berasal dari hasil riset atau bukan. Format penulisan paper hampir sama dengan format laporan karya ilmiah.

Penulisan Paper 

Dalam sebuah paper ,tulisan yang disampaikan terbagi dalam beberapa bagian ,yakni 

  1. Judul dan Alamat Penulis, berisi nama identitas penulis setiap karya ilmiah
  2. Abstrak, berisi isi keseluruhan dari paper yang dirangkum sesingkat mungkin.Font yang digunkan biasanya TIME NEW ROMAN dengan ukuran size 10. Paragraf menggunakan spasi tunggal dan ukuran 12 pt. Jumlah kata dibatasi maksimal 200 kata. Dibagian bawah abstrak harus dicantumkan keyword dari isi paper yang ditulis italic dan maksimal 12 kata. Ada beberapa institusi yang mewajibkan mencantumkan JEL Classification. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui tema yang dibahas dalam paper masuk dalam kategori /bidang apa.
  3. Pendahuluan ,berisi latarbelakang permasalahan yang hendak dibuat ,mengapa perlu dibahas ,dan apa tujuannya dibahas. Latarbelakang disampaikan secara ringkas dengan mencantumkan data-data sebagai pendukung. Huruf yang digunakan tetap TIME NEW ROMAN size 12 dan spasi 1,5.
  4. Metodologi,berisi metodologi yang digunakan penulis dalam pembuatan karya ilmiah agar pembaca dapat memahami paper dengan mudah.
  5. Pembahasan,untuk jurusan eksata berisi data hasil riset,formula matematis riset,dan proses perhitungannya. untuk noneksata dapat juga terjadi hal yang sama jika data penelitian berupa data kuantitatif.
  6. Simpulan ,berisi kalimat simpulan yang padat dan jelas agar pembaca dapat menangkap maksud dari penjabaran terkait hasil riset yang ditulis.
  7. Referensi,berisi dasar kumpulan informasi sumber dalam pemuatan paper. biasnya ditulis dengan format : Nama penulis.Tahun terbit.Judul Buku/sumber.Penerbit.
